Helping Children and Youth Achieve Their Potential
United Way of York County believes that access to high-quality early childhood education will ensure our children are ready to achieve in school. The United Way of York County Impact Fund provides high-quality preschool child care programs with the necessary funds to prepare children to succeed in later grades. Helping youth stay in school by funding youth development, mentoring, school-age child care and tutoring programs keeps them on the right educational path for high school. Finally, United Way is committed to funding proven programs designed to help students graduate from high school and transition successfully to the work world or advanced education and training.
Community Priorities and Outcomes in Education
Children and youth need additional support to achieve progress in every stage of development from birth through post-secondary education and training. High-quality Pre-K education and engaged parents will lead to children being ready for kindergarten and able to read by the end of third grade. In later grades, youth and young adults need to be prepared to successfully graduate high school and transition to post-secondary education or the workforce.
- Children enter kindergarten ready to learn.
- Parents and guardians are knowledgeable about and engaged in their children’s education.
- Children are on track to be reading proficiently by the end of third grade.
- Elementary and middle school students are prepared to succeed in later grades.
- Disengaged youth make a successful transition back into formal education.
- Youth and young adults learn soft skills to be prepared to succeed in adult life.
- Young adults transition to post-secondary education, the workforce, or public service.